I am starting a blog. My best friend told me that starting a blog was the best decision he ever made. Those are strong words from a strong person. If I make it to posts that number in the double digits, I will be impressed, as should you.
I have given nearly zero thought to the structure or future content of "Jen Says". Most likely this blog will contain the random musings and inane events that populate the life of this newly-minted Mission-dwelling PhD. And maybe a few hilarious (to me) youtube videos.
And today, for posterity, I would like to note the following things.
1) A homeless man asked if he could take me out for a drink. Aren't homeless men supposed to ask me to buy them a drink?
2) They are selling crack on my corner. Bacon Crack. There is a food stand selling small plastic bags filled with chocolate-dipped bacon almond butter toffee. I did not purchase any, as I am a pillar of restraint.
3) It's cold.
Says Jen