Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Youth of Today

When I was home for Christmas, I had my first exposure to the Twilight phenomenon.  I saw the third movie in the series of adaptations.  My review:

1)  Edward is a real creeper.  Not only that, but a super mopey creeper.  He needs to cheer up and laugh a little every once in a while.  It wouldn't kill him.

2)  Bella is torn between being in love with a vampire and a werewolf.  She really just needs to go to college and meet a nice, normal boy with a sense of humor and no supernatural tendencies.  Maybe a doctor, a lawyer, or, hell, even an engineer.

3)  My sister summarized the next book for me.  First of all, vampires don't go on honeymoons.  Second of all, "imprinting" on a toddler has child molester written all over it.


  1. Dr. Hicks,

    Although I have not seen the movie or read the book, I agree with your analysis completely.

  2. I would like to say that you should start posting one sentence a day or that perhaps one post a week might be sufficient.

  3. I would like to say the the biggest problem may be the sad, sad disappearance of format monkey.
